Tuesday 28 May 2013


I have worked for Afri-Lift Kenya for over a month now and it has been an incredible journey and experience this far. Working here has not been like any of the other places I have been. Unlike what I used to do before it’s not about the salary at the end of the month but it’s more about the children and young people that we help to reach their God given potential.
During my time here, I have met and spent time with individuals who have benefited from the various ministries that we have at Afri-Lift.  I have heard and seen some of these testimonies. These are some their testimonies from my own view.
I once visited a family under Touch A Family (TAF) program. This particular family had not eaten food for quite some time. They currently live in the slums of Kibera whose conditions are extremely poor, and most of its residents lack access to basic services, including electricity and running water.
As a team, we responded to the need and situation with a parcel of food which included a packet of rice, beans, cooking oil, a packet of sugar and tea leaves. According to our leader Ayub, the parcel would last them for a month till they got an alternative solution. 
Ayub narrating his story to the excited children
When the family saw the parcel of food they were deeply touched and one could tell from the smiles and laughter on their faces that they were indeed grateful. Ayub was really incredible in narrating a story that really entertained the children. The giggles were a clear indication the children were happy.
We spent a few more hours with them and left after have a word of prayer. That day, I knew in my heart that that family would eat a meal because our donors cared so much as to give.
The wonderful family
 I also got a chance to visit the much talked about Osiligi farm, which also works with the Manyota Program from Afri-Lift, in Kiserian. The farm is a rehabilitation center that focuses on teenage street boys who have been abandoned by either the society or their families. Interacting with the boys who have experienced the harsh realities of life and getting to hear some of their testimonies from their teachers actually inspired me. Some of the boys have really faced some traumatic experiences such as being involved in gang life. The fact that they have chosen to change by getting involved in the various activities set aside for them at the farm means that they believe that there is hope for them despite what they have been through.
Riziki Child Assistance Program is another ministry from Afri-Lift that I have seen lives being transformed. Thanks to the generous contribution from our kind donors, I have seen children get school uniforms, go to school, enroll in various technical courses and the best of it all live to their God- given potential.
Happy children
I believe that these children will grow up knowing that someone out there loved them enough to spare and sacrifice to help them and they in turn will do that for somebody else.
It’s amazing how much you get to hear from the wonderful things and testimonies from the children and families that work with Afri-Lift.

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